Google Ads (Adwords) management for an accounting firm – White label
Accounting Firm in Salt Lake City, UT
The client is an established full service accounting firm with over 40 staff and 41 years in business.
Key Accomplishments:
- 545% increase in conversion volume
- 83% decrease in cost per action (CPA)
- 958% increase in conversion rate

The Problem
What They Started With
The client was running Google Ads already to promote their many accounting services to local business owners. The account was producing a lot of irrelevant calls from people looking for entirely different services, other local businesses, and other specific accountants. Nearly 90% of this client’s monthly ad spend budget was being completely wasted. To the untrained eye, this account looked like it was performing awesome – it was producing lots of inquiries for the firm. However, when we dove into the data, we saw that nearly every inquiry was from completely irrelevant search terms that had nothing to do with the client’s accounting services. This allowed us to take all the wasted ad spend and apply it to highly productive terms that produced quality inquiries from people actually needing specific accounting services.
We also used all the historical data from this account to create a very large negative keyword list, which further narrowed in on high intent our search queries.
The Solution
What wE Implemented
Google Search Ads
We conducted an in-depth audit of this client’s Google Ads account and formulated a strategy to reduce the tremendous amount of wasted ad spend. One of the biggest problem with this account was, the previous manager of the account, set up almost all the target keywords as broad match keywords. This meant the client’s ads were showing for copious amounts of user search queries, even if the search was related to specific services the client’s firm offered.
We knew we really had to dial in and tighten up what search terms our ads showed up for, so we can focus on getting new customers that needed specific accounting services. We broke down each popular service the firm offered into their own ad group and created specific ads for each service. We also focused our budget on only exact match and phrase match keywords, which really honed in what search terms our ads showed up for. We chose very high intent keywords such as [CPA near me] or [Real Estate Accountant Salt Lake City], very specific, high intent search terms.
Conversion Rate Optimization
Another fundamental problem with account was all paid google ads PPC traffic was being run to the client’s homepage of their website. The client had a nice, well-built website but wasn’t utilizing it to it’s fullest for PPC purposes. When re-building this client’s Google Ads account, we made sure that all service specific ads lead to that specific service on the client’s website, leading to a lower friction user experience, lower costs-per-click, higher conversion rates and more inquiries.
The Results
What we accomplished
- 545% increase in conversion volume
- 83% decrease in cost per action (CPA)
- 958% increase in conversion rate
- 86% increase in click through rate (CTR) by creating more compelling ads
